Monday, August 12, 2019

The Origin of Valentine's Day Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

The Origin of Valentine's Day - Essay Example For instance, in the Yester years, Valentine’s Day was a liturgical celebration on the early Christian saints called Valentinus. Saint Valentine was profoundly associated with martyrology as he conducted the weddings of many soldiers (Pfatteicher, 86, 2008). The authors’ sentiments depict a chronological flow of events since the inception of Valentine’s Day to the current prevalent trends. I selected the author; Pfatteicher (2008) based on his extensive research hence depicting reliability. The information source is a book, and the author is a researcher by profession. This paper seeks to discuss the origin of valentine day. The Valentine’s Day is profoundly associated with romantic love emanating from the traditional courtly love. This traditional love flourished in the circles of Geoffrey Chaucer who lived in the High middle ages. Ever since the 15th century, Saint Valentine’s Day has evolved into a lover occasion where pleasantries were exchanged. These gifts have ever been meant to signify the intent of love and include flowers, confectionery, and greeting cards. The 19th century gave rise to hand written greeting cards and heart shaped outlines, a winged cupid figure and a dove. It is eminent that Valentine’s Day dates way back into history and is entrenched in the Roman Empire. From these sentiments, I think the author was truth full trying to relay detailed information. The history of Saint Valentine’s Day is shrouded in mystery. The only known facts are as follows; Saint Valentine’s Day has over the years being a romantic celebration. This day also exhumes the vintages of Christians as well as some roman cultural traditions. However, it is still not clear how this Saint Vale ntine came to be associated with an ancient rite that has survived several centuries. The Catholic Church for instance recognizes three Saint Valentines commonly

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